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General details of alleged sexual abuse at California’s active and closed juvenile camps

What looks likes dozens of California’s active and closed juvenile camps are ander accusation of the sexual and physical abuse of minor inmates assigned to their facilities.
According to Los Angeles Times’ reports, more than 11 California probation officers in their massive juvenile system have been convicted of a variety of inappropriate abuses of current or former child inmates in their management–these reports include many cases of molestation or assault of these youths.
According to the court documents filed, supervisors at these active and closed juvenile camps ignored unchecked harassment, rape, and sexual assault of child inmates by probation officers.
According to one prosecuting attorney: "Vulnerable children often enter the system because of abuse they have suffered at home or on the streets. The probation system should offer these youthful offenders restorative justice instead of perpetuating their cycle of abuse. The criminal conduct of those who used their positions of authority to sexually assault these children must be exposed. These despicable people and those who enabled them must be held accountable."
Over 20 years of news reports describe pattern of abuses:
- Officers accused of criminal acts such as theft;
- A variety of other offenses committed while on duty;
- Probation officers encouraging fights among juveniles;
- Sexual contact between officers and minor inmates.
Other accusations against supervisors in charge of minors include sexual assault of their underage inmates, as well as allegations of guards’ improper use of pepper spray on the children, as well.
Victims–and the families that suffered with them–are encouraged to request a free, private case evaluation from an experienced attorney quickly, as victims are limited to the end of 2022 to file a valid claim!
Specific cases of abuse allegations filed against California’s active and closed juvenile camps

Los Angeles County, California, is home to one of the nation’s largest juvenile justice systems, that includes 21 halls and camps and a staff of probation officers responsible for guarding approximately 3,000 youths.
The community supervision department operates on an annual budget of approximately $700 million and has been the subject of intensive federal investigations recently for failing in their responsibilities to prevent, report, and document these instances child abuse.
According to a report by the Los Angeles Times, the following specific instances of cases have been revealed through a collection of court documents, law enforcement records, and department sources.
Specific instances of allegations of sexual and physical abuse in some of California’s active and closed juvenile camps include:
- A probation officer was convicted of having sexual intercourse with three youth inmates in various areas of the detention hall where she was employed – she later pled guilty to five counts of felony sexual abuse and sentenced to four years in prison.
The officer revealed, “I had a consensual relationship with a young man who was 17 and I stupidly thought I was in love with…everything else I did was completely inappropriate, unethical and extremely unprofessional.”
- A probation officer was caught on closed circuit TV beating a youth in a juvenile hall recreation room – he later pled guilty to battery and sentenced to 24 months of probation.
According to the disciplined officer’s attorney, there were “extenuating circumstances” that led to the beating, noting that his client was not properly trained to supervise violent youths.”
- A probation officer ordered five teenagers under her supervision to beat another teenager in retaliation – she mistakenly thought the child inmate had stolen her mobile phone and was later sentenced to serve a year in jail.
The injured child inmate was not allowed to see a physician until the next day, when another officer noticed the child’s injuries–and, the officer later found her mobile phone in the parking lot of the facility.
The Shield Justice Watch team believes that sexual abuse victim at California’s active and closed juvenile camps should act quickly to receive justice and compensation – keep in mind that eligible victims only have until end of 2022, to file a valid claim!
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